Friday, July 24, 2009

Brandon Bird


Brandon Bird is amazing.
His art is too fucking good.

Charles Krafft


Old porcelain kitchenware is nostalgic to me.
It reminds me of a simpler time. A combination of that and sarcastic good art. Who could ask for more?

Charles Krafft

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Crazy 4 Cult:3D


I love detailed art and Cult films.
There is an annual exhibit and art sale here in Los Angeles dedicated to cult movies from the past twenty some odd years. I picked a few of my favorites to display here, but there are hundreds of amazing pieces (and a few that are not so amazing.)

Crazy 4 Cult 3d is going down July 16th - August 8th (closed on Mondays)
Check out the site for location and other details

Friday, July 10, 2009

We Were Promised Jetpacks


I rarely discover bands on my own.
Im old, and by contrary belief I am not nearly as hip as many people think I may be. I came across the name We Were Promised Jetpacks and I stereotyped their young look and name as a definite pop-suck-rock band...but I was mistaken.

From Glasgow, this band really is something else. I dig the generic indie sound, which is existent in many of their tracks, but they do it very well. So well, that I have to say I like every song on the album. Sometimes the vocals/accent is so thick that it's almost too much, but that's what is kind of different. With that,I have to see them at the Knitting Factory in September or butts will get cut. For real though, James left his knife over after the 4th.

Quiet Little Voices -hott track

Conductor - slow jam, for the ladies