Monday, May 11, 2009

Awkward Family Photos .com


If you were to visit Nance in Apple Valley, she could bust out some pretty awesome glamor shots from my youth.
The worst one I can recall was me at age four, my brother, and maroon crushed velvet jumpsuits, with an added star wipe of our faces in each corner. Straight dreadful, and as much as i want to go home and look for it to scan on here...I think I'll pass. is a site that finds the worst family portraits and posts others that are sent in. Reading the captions is pretty much like a good issue of VICE. So either for a quick laugh, or if you choose to make public the amazing ideas and photography your parents had, add that shit today.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, old family photo's ~ gotta love em ~ the only thing to grab when your house is on fire!
