Friday, April 3, 2009

Girl Talk, Shmerl Talk


I think Girl Talk's music is fun, do not get me wrong.

But after watching his live sets, I just don't get it. I do not see a reason to pay money to see a hippie play mashups on a Mac? That may sound bold, or you may think "what's wrong with that?" Watch the video. Personally, jumping around and clicking a mouse (why does he have a fucking mouse?) is corny. If John Stamos was doing that weak of a performance i probably wouldn't complain, but i don't get why he's coming off like that live. Get something Pioneer going, or bring a flute on stage, something!! if you want to save money, buy me a bottle of cheap vodka, and hang out at my apt. Same performance on a demo version of Serato, but i think i could jump around even more.

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