Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bums Are Scarier than Ever


I have random, strange dreams (like my teeth falling out, or being trapped in a haunted house) that feel so real that I wake up stoked to be alive. The one that freaks me out the most is someone in my apt in the middle of the night. That shit came true yesterday.

So i was sleeping last night, like most people that are not on crack. I woke up at 5:30am in my studio apt in Santa Monica, disturbed and shaken. Before my very eyes was a Mexican Homeless Man muttering words into incomplete sentenses. My heart sank. I thought "Am I fucking dreaming? Is that my landlord? I paid rent, right?"

I asked him who he was (God knows why) and if he needed help (yea, like a fist-a-cuffs in the jugular.) He murmured something else, I believe in Spanish, and i pushed him out.

I learned a few things about life and myself from this experience. About myself; That I am too nice of a person. Asking if someone is alright or needs help, who just walks into my apartment, and could have been a murderer, I think says something. I don't know.
About Life; Lock your doors. If you don't want rapists, gypsies or Mexican Homeless Men invading your home, lock your doors.

I am thinking about getting a gun, but feel that I may be using this experience as an excuse to get one. I got love for revolvers and pistols, but if you know me, you would say that i should not have a firearm.

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